Close Your Mouth for Health

People who are concerned with their health and longevity would do well for themselves to examine and be aware of how often their mouths are open. It is more healthy to breathe through our nose. The nose is a filter that prepares air for the body’s consumption. The nasal hairs and the mucus therein serve as a trap for many of the impurities in the air before it reaches our lung tissues. When this mucus accumulates enough soot, it will harden and flake off, creating boogers. If you’d ever examined how disgusting a booger is, you’d be grateful for them; they’ve prevented all of that filth from entering your lungs. Taking a breath through your mouth delivers completely unfiltered air directly into your lungs, leaving all of that impure and toxic soot for your sensitive lung tissue to deal with. The nasal passage also serves to warm the air. The inside of our body is just under 99 degrees Fahrenheit. Even a slight deviation from that precise temperature ca...