Eating Less

As a culture, we eat too much. WAY TOO MUCH!!! I’m not pointing any fingers. Maybe you think you eat the perfect amount. Hey, I would have said the same thing about myself until about six months ago. I was recently inspired to begin experimenting with the concept of “LESS” throughout many aspects of my life. I have improved my mindset and increased my strength and agility by breathing less. (I wrote about that in a different blog post.) I have also increased my sensitivity and my enjoyment of life by slowing down the rate at which I walk. (I was living in New York City, among some of the fastest walkers in the world, so it wasn’t easy. But it was totally worth it.) And I've increased my energy level and improved the look and feel of my body by reducing the amount that I ate. I focused on eating smaller meals and on not just reacting immediately to the hunger feeling. But I found that living with the feeling of hunger for just a couple of hours made a ...