Stalking Impeccable Language

As Nia teachers we like to be impeccable about our speech. To that end, we have a few words that we carefully stalk the use of: namely “Try" “Because" and “Hard”. All three of these words have a weakening effect on our speech and our psyche as the speaker and as the listener. We have declared these words as dangerous because of the messages sent by their use. “Try" is giving ourselves permission to fail. Instead of saying “I’ll try” we suggest saying “I’ll do it” Saying “i’ll try” is almost the same as saying “I’m not going to do it.” And we know how important it is to set our intention. So we use this word VERY carefully, and for the most part, avoid it altogether. “Because” can easily be abused in many ways. It often wastes time explaining ourselves when just the answer is sufficient. For example, “I’m going to invite my sister because she’ll enjoy this.” Would be more impeccable as simply “I’m going to invite my sist...