Human Movement - Greek Alphabet series

Jag’s Body Shop is a laboratory and a healthy playground for movement. The purpose is to enjoy being in a body and to explore our human potential. A very important aspect of Jag’s Body Shop is called Human Movement. Not structured or protocol driven, it is movement done for fun and pleasure and can also be used to facilitate loosening, stretching and strengthening, improve balance, flow, and energy and develop graceful coordination by learning and practicing simple skills. It uses little to no equipment and is meant to be practiced anywhere at any time that’s convenient. Jag has been practicing this technique since he created it out of necessity following a bad shoulder injury in 2008. And starting May 2020, he is making it possible for you to practice Human Movement with Jag online. Human Movement begins by putting on music (if desired) and just starting to gently explore whatever movement you feel inspired to do that day. It is important that you pay attention to how each mo...