More Good Words About Nia

I received the following email from a Nia student this morning. I thought I'd share it's wonderful message: Jason I feel tremendous joy and aliveness when moving in a Nia class. I tap into an inner strength & passion & fiery nature that lies dormant when I am not in class. Also my negative body image ( feeling overweight) seems to magically disappear when I feel the rush of energy go through all my body parts. Being an artist, and having had a dream of being a dancer since I was a child, the creative aspects of Nia are a powerful outlet for me, and I get to fulfill my dream of being a dancer. The excitement that my whole being feels is what keeps me coming back. Often dealing with art materials, the materials or th e fear of the materials become an obstacle. When the body is your instrument, there are no "materials" there, just your body as pure instrument where instinct can manifest itself.I might add that I also feel a sexual vitality through Nia- combining...