Spring Load your Knees this Spring

Nia is an artful combination of three martial arts, three dance arts and three healing arts. Each of these contributing practices offers an important facet to the work of the Nia Technique. T’ai Chi is one of the martial arts. We call it the ‘Slow Dance’ and it offers quite a bit to what we know as Nia. If you’ve been practicing Nia for a while, you may be surprised to learn what aspects of it come from T’ai Chi. In this playshop we’re going to explore the elements that T’ai Chi brings to Nia. We’ll be mostly focused on the way that the concepts and practices of T’ai Chi helps to strengthen and support the knees and keep them safe from harm while we dance. Once we embody the concepts of this playshop, our knees will be free to dance without fear. T’ai Chi teaches us how to “Spring Load” our knees which unleashes all of the ease and power of the legs. We’ll also take the opportunity to learn and practice some very specific self-massage technique...