St. Patrick's Day Sunscreen and Yoga Flow

Saint Patrick’s Day 2011 was a gorgeous spring like day in New York City.
I love to do my exercises outside when the weather permits, and today was a good day for that. I worked out yesterday, so today I just wanted to flow.  I needed to iron out my body after the abuse I gave it yesterday. I was just making up my flow as I went along.  I was more focused on enjoying the sun today than anything else.  

I am aware that we’re advised to get at least twenty to thirty minutes of unprotected sun rays on our skin each day to maximize the health of our blood and immune system. But if we’re exposed to the suns rays for longer than that, we should protect ourselves with a good sunscreen.
Read My Skin Cancer Story to see how well aware I am of this fact 
A good sunscreen is harder to find. Read here about my Search for a “Good” Sunscreen
But I did find a good one, so I’m going to wear it today. I only put it on my face and head and neck because I went out earlier today and was dressed, so those parts of my body already got sun.  The rest of my body needs its unprotected rays.  I put my sunscreen on thirty minutes before doing my flow because it takes that long to be fully absorbed and start working.
So, that’s how I celebrate the holiday. I hope you had a great St. Patrick’s Day as well!


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