California Part 5 - Santa Barbara to Carlsbad
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US 101, CA 1, I 405, I 5, CA 1, I 5 |
My Aunt Dorothy is Mexican, so whenever I visit, I entreat her to make her enchiladas. (I don't have to twist her arm too hard.) I was fed roasted chicken last night in LA so we saved the enchiladas for breakfast. Enchiladas for breakfast?! you may ask, incredulously. Well... the secret is putting fried eggs on top. Presto! Breakfast Enchiladas. I added my home fermented salsa on top, as well.
I took the scenic route out of Santa Barbara (as if there were any other way). I took Shoreline Dr so I could see La Mesa, Shoreline and Leadbetter Parks/Beaches. Three places I spent a considerable amount of time breaking the underage drinking laws.
It is hard for me to drive around any corner in Santa Barbara without being flooded with memories. But I did manage to do so while leaving the Petco. Getting back to the freeway from the pet store got me lost. And I was struck by how strange it felt to be in a new-to-me place in Santa Barbara!
I'm so drawn to the beach that I decided to take Route 1 most of the way down. I was on 101 until Oxnard where I switched to CA 1.
We stopped in Ventura County at Pt. Mugu State Beach next to the Naval Station of the same name.
We ran down and got our feet wet, but didn't stay long. The sand was very course and it was hurting our feet.
On our way back to the car, we had to stop and stare because we weren't sure if we were really seeing this....
The sand was so hard and abrasive there, with broken shells and prickly scrub brush that I carried River from the pig to the car.
There was hardly any traffic on PCH through Malibu and Santa Monica. I was especially surprised when learning that the California Incline, (a very steep road that connects PCH to the city of Santa Monica) was closed. Instead of causing more traffic, I think traffic was flowing more smoothly because no one was making that left turn off of Pacific Coast Highway.
I got off of Route 1 when it turns into Lincoln Blvd and instead took 405 to 5. We then stopped at Pines Park in Dana Point where I fed River and accidentally left his green hemp leash. I switched him to the 30 foot leash when we found a secluded area of the park. I must've put the six foot hemp leash down and walked away without it. Luckily, I brought several leashes.
The last known photograph of the green hemp leash |
This whole part of the park was closed so the grass could grow. It would have been fun to run on, and it looks like there's a good view on the other end. But we had fun here on the parkway, and down the block there was another part of the park with alcoves and playgrounds. That part was open, so we went down there.
Our next stop was to feed me. By that time, we had gotten back on CA 1 (at Capistrano) which had since turned into El Camino Real. I pulled off the road when a funky sign caught my eye saying Mr. Pete's Burgers, Burritos and Breakfast. There was lots of artwork on the building, like this:
The only indication that this is a drive up window is this car painted on the wall. No signs. No words.
I got my burger at the drive thru and then parked and went to sit in the picnic area. River was lying under the bench as I ate. River was spooked and started barking at a man approaching the dining area from inside the restaurant. The man exhibited some traits that regularly upset River. He was a very big man who was in obvious pain, so he hitched and hobbled as he slowly approached. Such an 'off' gait makes River very nervous. When he did bark, I thanked him for communicating to me. He didn't bark and go after the man, he barked and held his ground. Which is much better. So I just told River to go lie down on the other side of me, putting myself between the dog and the threat. Then I asked him to show me his belly. He immediately rolled over and lifted up his leg to receive some belly rubs and scratches, and all was forgotten.
The man's wife, who was obviously waiting inside for their order, stuck her head out the door and called to her husband, regarding River, "I think he likes you." We all laughed.
I pulled into the Motel 6 in Carlsbad about an hour before sunset.