JAG's Video Club
For years I've been using my camera as an exercise tool. I've learned a lot about my tendencies and muscular imbalances by watching videos of myself doing my exercises. By watching myself, I can adjust what I'm doing and thereby change my tendencies or correct my imbalances. In the past, I'd typically watch a video once (or more, if I need to study it) and then delete it. But, for the past year or so, I've been putting together clips from these videos and, just for fun, posting them on YouTube before deleting them. (Scroll down to the bottom of this page for samples of some of those YouTube videos) Now I want to make my entire workout available. Not just clips. Announcing... JAG's Video Club Each month I am going to upload my current workout including warm up and cool down, and I'll upload my stretching/yoga/body tuning or whatever type of session I'm using to heal my body, and a Nia workout that I'm working on. Access to each video...