
Showing posts from January, 2013

Demystify Free Dance - A Nia Playshop with JAG

FREE DANCE Demystified. Free Dance is an important part of the Nia experience. But many students and teachers dread it, saying they feel ‘stuck’ or ‘foolish’ and many Nia teachers admit that they don’t really know how to guide a free dance so that they and their students feel safe and truly free. After this two hour playshop, you will never again feel intimidated by the idea of Free Dancing, whether you are a teacher or a student. You will gain the tools you need to enjoy a truly effortless expressive and creative Free Dance. And teachers will gain the tools they need to guide their students with ease and to hold the space for a truly spirited Free Dance. It will not only unleash the creative dancer in you, but the freedom you gain will greatly improve the level of conditioning your body receives from your Nia classes. Demystified:  A Nia FreeDance Playshop  with Jason Alan Griffin, Nia Black Belt Monday, April 1st, 2012  7-9pm Motion...

Learn Prana with JAG in NYC

Debbie Rosas created a delicious routine called Prana. The focus was on using the breath and the music was all from a single album called Sacred Spirits. The music is a gorgeous blend of Native American music, string instrumentation and modern techno beats. And the movements are simple and powerful.  The used CD can be purchased on for less than $5.  In the movements, a lot of attention is given to balancing on one leg and using the exhale to find support. I love how this routine can really amp up but then it really slows down right in the middle to offer a truly dynamic experience of being connected to our center. The routine was retired to the vault many years ago and is no longer available as an option for teachers, but it is still enjoyed immensely by those teachers who were around back then, and their lucky students. Now I’m bringing Prana out of the vault.  Come and spend eight hours with me over one weekend.  We will i...