The Art of Free Dance Playshop in Kansas City
The Nuts and Bolts of FreeDance: A Magic, Experiential Nia Playshop with Jason Alan Griffin August 8 from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM @ Body and Soul of Kansas City, MO 649 East 59th St. $44 at the door or $39 if pre-registered here before Aug 5 One of the things that separates Nia from so many other forms of fitness is the degree of personal freedom. While there is a lot of structure to a Nia class, people often leave class remembering the freedom part the most and many people will describe Nia as a very ‘free form’ type of exercise. This is because it is the self guided aspect of the work, the free dancing, that really has the deepest effect on us. FreeDance is a rich and exciting opportunity to express ourselves by moving our bodies. The unstructured nature and palpable energy of FreeDance can be intimidating to some people. They will shut down and barely move, or go grab a sip of water instead of participating in what could be the most exciting and deeply...