The Body Shop
You are invited to join me for all or part of a two-month series of classes called The Body Shop. Designed to align your bones, tone your muscles, burn some fat and improve your ability to relax and to recover after hard work, the Body Shop is the culmination of many techniques I have been studying and using for my own ongoing fitness and rehabilitation, as well as some old favorites from classes I’ve taught over the years.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
6pm - 7pm.
259 W 30th St.
Second Floor
Monday nights will feature Energy Flow which is dedicated to metabolic conditioning, strength and core stability. We will start by building a great foundation with specific care being given to proper form and knowing how to use proper intensity while building new sophistication into your movement. This technique will turn you into a master mover.
Wednesday is going to be Nia night. Nia uses music and simple movements based on human design and function, which Nia calls The Body’s Way. Nia is a barefoot, organic workout disguised as pure fun, pleasure, joy and bliss. Come prepared to dance and sweat.
Fridays are going to be devoted to Postural Restructuring and Human Movement. We’ll be doing a series of simple, basic exercises to return your body to muscular balance and alignment. Lack of proportion and muscular balance is one of the leading causes of pain and injury. Although this class would be perfect for anyone recovering from an injury or undergoing rehab, I like to think of it as “pre-habilitation.” This class will help you create the kind of body that simply doesn’t have pain or get injured. Find ease in your daily life by ‘taking off the breaks’ of misalignment.
Monday and Friday classes will also be peppered with bits of Yoga Tune Up®, Nia 5 Stages, Deep Stretching, Body Flow and Human Movement practices to suit the needs and requirements of the course as the two months progress.
The Body Shop is perfect for anyone who feels like they could move better, but just don’t know how to unlock the stiffness, tension or pain. If the problem is tightness, we’ll stretch it. If the problem is weakness, we’ll strengthen it. If the problem is imbalance, we’ll balance it.
We’re going to start the New Year with a focus on the feet and ankles, then we’ll move on throughout the body, moving upwards as the two-month program progresses. By the end of February, we’ll have aligned, stretched and strengthened the whole body. We’ll be fully tuned and ready to face 2011 with a perfectly performing instrument.
A Full Access Pass is $175/month or $275 total for both months.
Single drop-ins are $20/class.
FIRST BONUS: Anyone buying a Full Access Pass is entitled to TWO free private sessions (one per month) which can be used for anything you need to help advance your progress and improve your results. Attendance to every class is not required to receive this bonus.
SECOND BONUS: Full Access Passholders receive a free toolkit of fitness props (including two Yoga Tune Up® therapy balls, a yoga mat, a block, a strap and a blanket). Tool kits can also be purchased for $40. But anyone attending six single classes earns a free toolkit. You can store your toolkit in our space during the course, at your own risk. (I’ve stored stuff there before and so far nothing has ever gone missing.) Also, if you like, you can take them home and use them in between our sessions. Just be sure to remember to bring them back to class each day (except Wednesdays). Then, at the end of the course they are yours to take home and keep.
Membership to The Body Shop does NOT include Sunday morning Nia classes at Bridge For Dance. The Sunday Morning Nia membership costs $55/month.
However, I’m offering a Body Shop / Nia Combined Access Pass for only $200/month or $395 for both months.
So... for $395 you’ll get two months of The Body Shop and Sunday Nia, plus TWO free private sessions with me and your own toolkit of fitness props to keep.
As I’ve said, you certainly don’t need to be present at every class. You’ll get benefits from whatever classes you CAN attend. And you don’t need to be present at every class in order to purchase Full Access Passes and receive all the cool bonuses.
Classes starts immediately in 2011- January 3 is our first class. So, let’s get some good habits established and lay the groundwork of a good, solid body for the New Year.
See you in the Body Shop.